So, I have been extremely slow in posting these. My mom and mother-in-law wanted me to post these photos of our coming baby and almost ten weeks has finally happened! I tried last week, but was having issues and gave up. Anyway, Ryan and I are extremely grateful, excited and nervous to have another baby coming in a couple months. We decided not to find out the gender of the baby. We decided to leave it for a surprise until he OR she arrives. For the last few years, I thought it would be fun if we had a boy and a girl first to let the next one be a surprise. And honestly, despite many people thinking we are crazy, :) it has worked out-so far. Although, I have to admit I have seen some cute dresses and adorable little boy outfits and wished I could buy some, but this makes me hold off. I also have the desire to work on the baby's room, but the purple walls will stay or go depending on if it's a boy or a girl and I need to wait to find out. So, yes, it has taken some patience.

Ryan and I were just so excited to see a living, moving baby during our really made absolutely no difference if we found out if it was a boy or a girl. At this point we will be completely happy with either one. Unfortunately, it will probably be hardest on Tim and Mary. Tim wants a boy and Mary wants a girl. If Mary gets her girl I can just hear Tim saying, "Mary always gets what she wants!" Oh, the poor kid. I am hoping that transition ends up going semi-smoothly. But, yes, our little one was moving all over, and even sucked his OR her thumb at one point.
We feel so incredibly blessed to have a baby coming this June. After trying to get pregnant for almost a year, we were wondering if we would be able to have another after what happened with my ectopic pregnancy. This baby has helped us to further realize that every child we bring into this world really is a miracle.
Congratulations--especially after waiting so long for it to happen! I think it's great that you are waiting to hear the gender. It will make delivery day so fun!
yay! an update! those are some really good ultrasound pics. so you decided not to find out? that's fun. I think you will like the surprise. and at least for me it made the pregnancy seem faster.
Thanks ladies! We are really excited. It seems like forever away, yet so close!
Brenna, I am excited cuz now I have your blog address and can check up on you and your cute family!
I am so excited for you guys! Congratulations!
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