Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Skiing amongst the Rich and Famous

Ben Stiller and Robert Redford were there...I don't think they saw me biff it as I got off the ski lift. It always happens. But I got it over with quickly and enjoyed the rest of our ski trip. :) This winter Tim went skiing for the first time and Ryan for the second time and me, well, one more time. Tim had a lesson with his cousin Spencer and outside of him thinking his boots were WAY TOO TIGHT and getting sick after skiing, he had a blast. It was the cutest thing to see their hands on their hips skiing down the mountain behind their instructor. Ryan had not been skiing in years and years and this was his second time. We got an instructor and took a class together and really, actually had fun. Ryan had a blast. Which I was surprised. I didn't know you could have so much fun when just learning to ski. But he proved you can. He really does have such a good attitude. My family still teases me because growing up my favorite part of skiing was the french fries and hot chocolate at the lodge when we were done.

It really was fun though and Ryan and I even went one more time for a date night. It was the week before Sundance really wasn't near Utah's best snow, but a good time. He even went down the last time without me because I gave out.

Tim and Spencer

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