Sunday, July 03, 2011

Life's Little Miracles

The picture above shows the "true knot".9 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches long.We made it!Too many times in my life I let the small miracles pass by. Luke was born just two weeks ago and he is another little miracle in my life. Every time I go through pregnancy and childbirth I am reminded of what a miracle it is. There is so much that comes together to bring Heavenly Father's children to our familes. I feel so blessed that everything came together for my three little miracles.
To me, I saw becoming pregnant with Luke as a miracle. I didn't know if we would be blessed with another baby. Shortly after my ectopic pregnancy, and ever since then, I have felt a new appreciation and love for the kids I already had. I wondered how long it would take to get pregnant after the surgery, or if it would even happen. I was overcome with so much peace and gratitude for my two precious kids, my loving husband and every other blessing, I almost wondered if that was the answer---that I was so blessed and could get by without. But that is not the case, we got pregnant and I just prayed that if the Lord would have it, we could have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. When we had the ultrasound, I was so happy to see a little baby moving everywhere. It didn't matter boy or girl.
The kids prayed throughout the pregnancy that the baby would survive when it came out. Over and over again that phrase was repeated. They were coming to love their new baby brother before he ever made it here.
Well, I was scheduled to be induced on the 17th of June. The day before was my grandma Mary's birthday. That is a special day to me. We wanted to celebrate her special day by going to her favorite restaurant that evening (Chuck-a-Rama), but we were in the hospital instead. Luke arrived on a day that is special in my heart already. Now the significance is just multiplied!
My water broke the evening of the 15th and we made it to the hospital about 11 or 12. Four and a half hours later he was here.
He came out and they immediately announced, "it's a boy!" I was thrilled, as much as I love girlie things---shopping, barbies, and She-ra---I have come to love the thought of another boy in the family as well.
I then heard the doctor say, he has a knot in his cord. It's a true knot. I handed Ryan the camera to take a picture of Luke. The doctor then said the cord had been around his neck. The doctor said, "No Dad, we need you to cut the cord." So, the camera was passed to the nurse. After what felt like 5 minutes, Ryan finally cut the cord and Lukes crying finally entered the room. Fortunately, the true knot wasn't tight enough to cause a miscarriage early on and our big boy is here.
The funny thing was, I was very cautious before Luke was born, hoping and praying we would have a healthy baby and asking myself if I would be willing to take on a baby that wasn't healthy. I knew in my heart I was willing. I would take whatever Heavenly Father gave me. But as soon as Luke was born, all fear left, and I knew he would be okay. And he was okay. Who knows what the future will bring, but right now my little Luke is sleeping in his car seat soundly and our family loves him. I always wonder when I have a new baby if I have enough room in my heart to love another. Well, it didn't take long to find out that I not only have enough room, but so do Ryan, Mary and Tim. We love him to pieces. I think Mary actually loves him too much. Poor guy! :)


The Davis Family said...

Congratulations Michelle!! He is a cutie! I'm so glad everything went well for you guys. Enjoy every minute!!


Janelle said...

Congratulations to your whole family! He looks just exactly like his big brother. I hope all continues to be well with him, and that you experience many more miracles.

Lalani said...

Congratulations again. I'm so happy that he's here, healthy and part of your family. He looks just like Tim to me!

Goings on at the Glenn's said...

amazing! I saw the knot and was in awe! Heavenly Father blesses us and looks out for us soo much! I think now that we have 3 have our routine down I could take on 10! Not saying we have any in our near future mind you. Can't wait to see you guys! We plan on leaving sometime tomorrow morning after breakfast.

Dip It In Chocolate said...

He is absolutely beautiful. You guys are one of my favorite families. We love you! Hope everything is settling down for you a bit. He is truly a miracle, and it's a miracle tiny little you can carry these big healthy babies. Way to go Michelle! I am in awe of you!

Kent and Eileen said...

Michelle, What an amazing set of pictures. We love getting the story in pictures. Welcome Luke! You made quite an entrance.

Glenn Family said...

Thanks everyone. It has been an adventure, but we are enjoying it. Most of the time. :)

Sarah said...

we are so happy for you guys!! he's such a cutie! i'm sure you guys are enjoying every second of it :)

Kristy said...

I'm so excited for you! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. I hope everything keeps going well for you, and wish you the very best.:)

Wendilyn said...

What a miracle life is! What a blessing that God shares his children with us!