Thursday, January 19, 2012

Christmas Morning

 Smiling children before the presents.
 Tim received a toothbrush and was ecstatic. . . and . . .
 Mary received a dollhouse! (Did I mention tim's toothbrush is electric with Spiderman climbing up the side?) :)
 Lovin' those curtains.
Ryan's first "real" woodworking experiment. Didn't he do GREAT!

Upon seeing the dollhouse, Mary literally turned around and  fell on the stairs in a heap and buried her face. I thought, Oh no, is she upset??? What on earth?
She got up a few moments later with the biggest grin on her face and moved toward the dollhouse. I think she was shocked!

btw, Really, we did take good care of Tim too. And of course, Luke doesn't compare presents yet. He was happy just to have something to put in his mouth.

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