Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Wednesday Fun

Every other Wednesday I am fortunate to be able to volunteer in Tim's kindergarten class. Can I tell you how much I love it? It is one of the highlights of my week to see those kids (Tim especially). :) It's so fun to see their differing personalities, hear their off the wall comments, and interact with them. Tim thinks kindergarten is simply amazing and it is fun to be able to catch a glimpse of it. And, on the off weeks, when my friend goes to the kindergarten class, I get to hang out with these cute munchkins. They are alot of work, but in a way it is fun to be forced to slow down and sit and spend an hour keeping a close eye on them.
 Josh (10 months) and Luke (7 months)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

what a perfect trade off! i bet luke loves having a little buddy to play with.