Monday, June 18, 2012

Sweaty and a Cherry-Red Face

 Mary doesn't break a sweat all that often, but on this particular night she did. She was determined to learn how to ride her bike. She had previously made it on her own for maybe two or three seconds after Ryan and I had let go.
She decided one warm summer evening that she could do it. She refused to let Ryan or I even touch the bike to get her started or  even offer any help. She tried and tried until she was GOING, GOING, GOING! So, yes, on this night I had to drag her in the house with a sweaty, beet red face. She was determined. But she can now officially ride a bike. Now Ryan and I need to follow through with our promise to get her a new bike for her Birthday next month. That may have motivated her just a little. :)

Way to go Mar!


Goings on at the Glenn's said...

yay! Way to go Mary. Now we both have two kids on two wheelers. Are you guys driving or flying to the beach this summer. If you are driving bring your bikes. The kids are going to have a blast riding around everywhere.

Glenn Family said...

We are driving. We are hoping we will have room for bikes. I know the kids would love riding together. I would LOVE riding too. Just lacking space.