Friday, April 19, 2013

How's my Nineties Gangsta' look?

 There are some things I do at home and never, ever in public. Dressing up like this is one of those things. I do this all in the name of our annual April Fool's Day Nerd Dinner. I came up with a crazy menu with funny names and surprise food items. The kids ate with all sorts of utensils and plates and cups for each course. Everyone is supposed to come to the dinner dressed like a nerd. This time the restaurant was "Criddle's Crib". I told them our Elf on the Shelf (Criddle) was in the back cooking up our food.
 Mary and Tim (aka Fatty McButterpants)
And Ryan makes fun of my hairy legs? Check these out! :)

In case you are curious, Ryan has an incredible selection of 90's fashions. Thanks for sharing with me! I love you Ryan. Hope you are having fun at your campout. :)

1 comment:

Goings on at the Glenn's said...

loved this! what fun and a great way to make silly fun memories with the family.