Thursday, December 01, 2011

My newborn...not such a newborn anymore!

Luke absolutely ADORES his jumpster. When he is not in his jumpster, he pretends like he is.
 Luke loves sitting at the piano.
 Look at him! I awkwardly trudge along when I carry this big guy around in his car seat. Not too much longer and my muscles will be maxed out!
 Luke will often suck on his mouth or his tongue. No binky for him...which has its pluses and minuses.

 He is starting to sit up. Doesn't it seem like somehow they leave the newborn phase a bit when they can sit up? Wipe a tear.

I foolishly thought before now that if you followed the books and their sleeping-through-the-night regimens that all would work out. It simply took persistence and patience and within a few nights of sleep training (like many books say)...voila! A full night sleep. Well, I am yet to get a full night's sleep. And I have done what I think the "books" say over and over again. This kid has proved all the books wrong. Or I don't know what I am doing (probably a combination of both) And I will never be so quick to judge when someone has a 3-month, 6-month, 9-month, 1 year old not sleeping through the night. Mary and Tim slept through the night within a couple months, but not this guy. Last night I told Ryan I want to hire SuperNanny to come for a week and get him sleeping through the night. I am sure there are some other tactics to try. Ryan keeps suggesting wearing earplugs, closing the doors and getting a good full-night's rest. But, trust me, I have not tried that yet. He has tried it a few times though and wishes I would let him do it more often.
Anyway, this kid has been humbling in the sleeping area. But I still love him and every morning after he has caused us such grief in the night he looks so sweet with his rosy, chubby cheeks and wide-eyes looking at us. And my memories of the night before are wiped clean. It's all worth it. We love our little guy.


Brenna said...

Oh I TOTALLY know what you mean about the sleep thing. I've had some of those same problems with my Elsie. I think some babies just like to keep their parents humble ;)

Sarah said...

what a cutie! when did he get so big?! and i also hear you with the sleeping problem. i tried everything to get brennan to sleep through the night but he was so stubborn. he eventually became a good sleeper but it took SO long. good luck with all the sleep training!