Thursday, May 24, 2012

Can it be???

Today is Mary's very last day of preschool. I can't believe it. Really. Next year my little bear will be in Kindergarten. I am not ready to send off another Kindergartner. I just did that last year. It literally seems like a few weeks ago that I hid the tears as I waved goodbye to Tim as he walked into his new Kindergarten classroom. Not long and I will be doing that again. But Mary has grown so much and she is ready and completely excited. I always thought it was a little funny when my parents and other adults would talk about how fast their kids were growing up. Now I am that same cheesey person. Oh no!
 This is Mary singing at her preschool graduation program. She loves this song and I recorded it special for her dad who couldn't be there. She started out the program so shy, barely moving her mouth, and she honestly looked like the tears could come any minute. By the end, she had relaxed. Here she is all the way to the right, second one in.
 I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Mary's preschool. If you are willing to fork out some extra cash every month, it is definitely worth it.
This isn't the best picture of Mary, but it is the only one I got before the camera died. This is her with Ms. Farrah. Mary loves her and has had her the last two years. Tim also had her for a year. Mary started out preschool very timid and over the two years with Ms. Farrah she has grown a ton. The first thing she does when she gets to class is run to tell Ms. Farrah any random news. Ms. Farrah says she just listens and listens no matter how random it is, just because she loves to see her just go on and on. It is such a change from the beginning!


Sarah said...

Mary looks so adorable in her cap and gown! and kids DO grow up too fast! i'm feeling that same way with Aiden only have one more year before kindergarten. :( i am sure Luke will love that one on one time though while both mary and tim are at school.

Goings on at the Glenn's said...

the preschool graduation video isn't working.