Friday, June 15, 2012

My little Rose Bud

 Mary's first ballet performance. She is a rose bud from Sleeping Beauty.  We were all excited to see what was in store for our little ballerina's performance. With Mary, you don't always know what you will get. She can act extremely shy or be very gutsy. So, I wondered which side would come out.

 I grew up going to my older sister's ballet performances, and I have to admit, outside of watching my sister grace the stage, the littlest dancers always stole the show in my mind.
So, which Mary appeared?

The gutsy side came out and she danced with all her heart. I literally was trying not to giggle too much; I tried so hard to hold back the giggles that tears came. It was a fun moment in parenting. You just have to see 3-5 year old kids perform to know how entertaining it can be. And I am sure it helps that I am the mother of one.

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