Thursday, September 20, 2012

But it's so . . . QUIET!

I came home from walking Mary and Tim from school on Mary's first day and put down Luke for his nap, and wow! It was so QUIET! I texted Ryan about how quiet it was at home and he texted back and said something to the effect of, "Enjoy it. How nice!"
Well no, I was actually home crying.
I missed my Just Dance wii buddies,
 My "can you text so-and-so and see if they can come over" buddies,
My "I'm Hungry. Can I have a snack?" buddies (they should start out by saying I want a triple snack, because one is never enough),
My dance around the kitchen while they eat buddies,
My Lego-lovin' buddies,
My buddies who sometimes can't spend more than two minutes together without fighting,
My buddies who couldn't seem to whisper in the hallway while their brother was asleep,
My buddies who thought there was nothing better than new Flat Stanley or Belinda does Ballet library books.
Yes. I missed them.
Still do, but I am adjusting and I think I am even getting used to the added quiet.

1 comment:

Goings on at the Glenn's said...

cute post. It is great that you miss the noise. Means you are a good mommy.