Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Saying goodbye to the blonde locks

 So, of course, I started cutting Luke's hair and I was halfway done and realized I hadn't taken a before shot...so the previous pictures are of Luke about a month before we cut his hair. His hair was so wispy and blonde and had the cutest curls, but it was time to say goodbye to them (I think?). His hair (just over a month later) is still a little wavy, but a little darker now. It is definitely growing in thicker now and more coarse. It reminds me of Tim's hair at about his age. By the way, we love that Luke will snuggle with us as we sing to him before plopping him in his crib (above). Our baby can't grow up!


Steven and La Dean said...

He looks so much like Timmy! I can't believe how much he's changed, although I guess it has been a year since we've seen you guys!

Goings on at the Glenn's said...

he looks so cute! And you did a great job cutting baby hair. I can never make it look right