Sunday, November 25, 2012

Having fun in Beautiful Country...with some of our favorite people!

We took a trip to Littleton, CO (near Denver)  to see my sister's family. Can I tell you, that is one of the most beautiful drives! If ever you should drive from Utah County to Denver, be sure to do it in the Fall as the leaves are changing. I didn't focus my photographs on the scenery, just the fun people we were fortunate enough to spend time with. Wendi is leading the kids to the park after some fun at a farm and a visit to a historic Littleton Museum.

 Mary and Rachel . . .Together again. At long last!
Alex is Wendi's "little" two-year old.
 I think Luke and Alex enjoyed the farm animals more than anyone.
My cute, pregnant sister, Wendi.
Mary and Rachel pausing for a moment to check out the cow.
 It's hard to get attention when you are with these two girls, but Tim found a moment to shine.

Visiting the Hammond Candy Factory. Wendi and Aaron are enthralled in the details of making candy canes the Hammond Way. :)

A little blurry and no make-up, but hey, they got a picture of me...
Luke wonders when he gets to taste the candy.

We had a good time. We are so happy for the memories we shared. I think the part that will go down in history though will be the shrill screams of terror that came from Wendi in the kitchen Sunday morning that woke up everyone in the house and sent Ryan and Aaron bolting down the stairs, fearing for our safety. It was a mouse! Honestly, I would have done the same, but we love laughing about it now.

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