Sunday, November 25, 2012

Somebody had a Birthday! (a month and a half ago!)

 Tim turned 7 and enjoyed his first birthday gift with his good friend Tyler. Nothing like battling with army men.
 Dad even got in on the fun while listening to general conference.
 With birthday parties I have discovered that simpler is MUCH better! Ryan took the boys (just a few of them!) to kangaroo zoo and they ran and played like crazy and then they returned for presents and cupcakes. It was so much less work and I am pretty sure it may have cost less and I was happy not to stress. I am also happy it doesn't take too much to impress young boys.
 Spencer, Tim and Kayleb
 Family dinner- Adam and Jenn's family came, along with my parents. We had Tim's favorite soup, broccoli cheese, along with some yummy chicken noodle soup and sides.
 And of course cake and ice cream!
Mary and her three-year old buddy Mosey always have a good time together.

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