Friday, February 08, 2013

A Breath of Fresh Air

A couple weeks ago I got a text from Ryan, "How does a trip to Mexico sound?"  Really good actually, really good. Ryan's work had a trip planned to Mexico for a few of the top sales-people of the past year. A couple had to back out because of some sad circumstances, and we ended up being the go-to couple(Even though Ryan is not a sales-guy). It was fortunate for us. We left while Salt Lake was receiving a foot of snow. nice!
 After having one of the coldest January's on record we were ready and excited to take off...I might have been just a tad bit nervous to leave my kids in another country...okay maybe a lot nervous. Ryan and I barely slept the night before. Excited and stressed!
 But arriving in Mexico calmed much of those feelings. Here is a view from our hotel room at Cabo. It was supposedly a cooler week there. I didn't throw myself in the pool, but we somehow survived. :)
Although, my kids would have swam. I have a rule in my head that it has to be 80degrees until i jump in (thanks to my mom). It was the mid 70s.
 Ryan on his deep sea fishing adventure. It turned a little sad when he turned green and hung out at the bottom of the boat near the bathroom for a couple hours. It was a nice conversation-piece for the rest of the guys that were present for the rest of the trip though.
 Fellow KLASmates and spouses. We ate really well. This was the first night at Romeo and Julietas.
 The second night we ate at a really nice Mexican restaurant...somehow some of us ended up with balloon hats. We also had a mariachi band cover all angles of the table (they really were amazing though!), a flower-selling lady come by, and a caricature-drawing man come by. We could only provide so many tips until our pockets were empty though.
 I thought I would think about the kids ALL the time. We were here, they were home and I realized there was nothing I could do about it. I survived. And thought about them less (gasp) than I thought I would. They were in wonderful hands and we only got glowing reports from the babysitters. (They knew what I needed to hear!)
 No better person to share a strawberry daquirish drink with. Love him!
 I am kind of a nacho snob and this resort hands-down has the best nachos I have tasted. We had to enjoy them at least once. Here I am with my parents.
 We took a whale watching adventure and at the end the captain's mate brought out some fish. The birds came swarming. It was a little frightening actually.
 Joe liked to taunt the fish before letting them enjoy. Here they finally get one.
 A happy seal even came along the back for a while. As long as he smelled the fish he was there.
 Just chillin' waiting for more fish.
 We are in Mexico. Anything to keep the clients happy and the tips coming. :)
 Taunting the birds. He is taking the fish in and out of the bird's mouth.
Nice catch. Ryan threw him a fish too. Sorry for so many pics. We were very entertained. Laughing, screaming, and all. Lots of boats gathered round to take pictures. As much as I loved seeing the whales, this cured some of my sea-sickedness at the end of the trip. And by the way, there will be at least one picture of the whales and more pics to come. Luke and Mary are calling!


Goings on at the Glenn's said...

I had so much fun reading and catching up with your blog from this week. You've been busy! Looks like you have had lots of fun. I am jealous of your Mexico trip. I haven't seen much of Dan lately. I love the pics of the kids using the snowman kits and Luke has grown soooo much! I just ordered my blog book for the year 2012 and it just came yesterday. I really need to start back up on my blogging for this year. I've been taking lots of pictures but have mostly only put them on instagram. Do you have an instagram account?

Glenn Family said...

Hmmm...I am thinking I should make a blog book. Then my blogging could serve two purposes. :) That is a bummer having Dan away so much. I am sure it helps you appreciate him all the more! Nope, I am not on instagram. I am nervous about it sucking up more time, but there is a good chance someday I will join. Maybe when I get a smart phone. :)

Sarah said...

what a fun trip! i've never been to mexico and it looks so beautiful! even though it's so hard to leave the kids behind i'm glad you and ryan got to enjoy a little adventure away :)