Tuesday, February 12, 2013

More Mexico

 It's not all that often that I see Ryan this relaxed.
 Here is a whale's tail just ahead of us. Sadly, our zoom on our camera went out, so the whales really did appear just as they were. I wish I could have gotten a better shot. We went a few years ago and saw many more whales, but seriously it is still amazing. Every time a whale came up above the water their were audible oohs and ahhhs and cheering from our boat. One day I sat chatting with some of the KLASmates that didn't go deep sea fishing. We were at a restaurant at the resort that was literally right on the beach. We saw  9 boats follow a mother whale and her baby for more than 10 minutes (I got there after they had been going for a while too). The boats finally turned around and the mother and baby kept going.  I'm not an animal person, but it is seriously breathtaking to see those beautiful animals breach.
 How lucky to have my parents their too.
 And Adam and Jenn. :) Coray and Krista Tait also pictured.
 The pier. About a 5-10 minute walk from the hotel.
 Mischele, My mom, Krista, Jenn, Marianne, Ryan and I.
 Jason, head of sales, had major surgery before the trip. He couldn't pass up on the fun.He headed up the whole trip. Here he is posing in front of Lover's Arch.
My Nacho Libre. I told Ryan his brother had to have this for his birthday. And before we gave it to him he needed to pose for a picture. :) These were a popular item amongst tourists. There were tons of street vendors along the pier.

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