Sunday, February 03, 2013

Is it really February?

Somehow I am so far behind. I almost canned all these previous posts, but for Grandma Shellie and Grandpa Bob, we figured they deserved at least a little bit of an update at their request. So, here are some more pictures. We will be to February soon, hopefully!
 Ryan and I were engaged December 18, 2003 outside the Salt Lake temple. Every year since we have tried to go back and celebrate. We are generally successful, unless a new baby, first trimester of pregnancy, or bad weather put a damper on our festivities. This last December again all the restaurants were insane and we decided to eat at the restaurant of the Marriott hotel. The food was amazing, and we even got to watch the ice skaters at the Gallivan center as we soaked in the romantic atmosphere. :) We usually manage to see a few lights and visit the special tree (where we first held hands and the proposal spot a year later).
 Ryan posing for the camera. Lucky us, we even had a enough food left over for lunch the next day.
 Santa Clause came to visit the Gale home at our annual Christmas celebration. As the cousins visited Santa Luke pointed and played with toys and walked all around him. He wasn't happy to be on his lap though. The present at the end made it all worth it.
 I had to include this great picture of my nephew Shad (1 year old).
 Mary kept asking me if the Santa would be there and if it would be the "real" Santa.
 Tim was so nervous and incredibly excited. He wouldn't look at him, but he responded to questions and couldn't help but grin.
 Santa and Mrs. Clause arrive!
 Simon's (1.5 years) reaction when Santa enters the room.
 Tim doing secret service with Mary one Sunday morning. They were so excited to surprise me with their shoveling of snow. Even if it was just a skiff. :)  Another day they completely made my day when I returned from a YW meeting, Ryan of course was busy with Bishopric stuff and they had gone from one room to the next straightening while I was gone. If you want to make Michelle's day=clean! Especially on Sunday. :)
Mary in  one of her many "take a picture of me" moments.

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